Should You Design An Accent Wall?

Are you ready to spice things up in your living room? Does your bedroom need to be more you? Should you design an accent wall?

An accent wall strategically uses colour and design to pull attention, organize a space, and influence how someone feels in the room. It’s one of the hottest home trends, and they seem to be everywhere.

That all said, just because you can design an accent wall, it doesn’t mean your home is a good fit. Keep reading to learn whether an accent wall is a good fit for your home.

Benefits Of Designing An Accent Wall

Accent walls aren’t just for appearance. In fact, the whole trick of designing an effective accent wall is to make it do more than just stand out. Let’s talk about some of those purposes.

1) It Makes A Room Look Bigger, Brighter

You can make small rooms look bigger by placing a darker colour in a room filled with white. Depending on the room’s main colour, you can actually use a darker tone to create depth, giving the appearance of a larger room.

2) Directs Attention To The Right Places

Do you want people to notice that fabulous Victorian fireplace? Put a bold colour behind it to immediately direct all attention to that part of the room. Whatever you want people to look at, attract the eye and mind with something different. That’s what our brains are trained to find.

3) Influences How You Feel In The Room

Colour therapy proves that colours can help us to feel different emotions. And this is used in more than just homes. There’s a reason so many restaurants have red-toned dining rooms, and it’s because red promotes a healthy appetite.

When An Accent Wall Isn’t A Good Fit

Believe it or not, an accent wall won’t work just anywhere. In certain colour palettes, it’s not needed, or would be too much of a mental distraction. Let’s talk about when an accent wall isn’t a good fit.

1) Too Many Different Colours Already Present

If your living room is already overrun with different patterns and textures, there are already attention-grabbing design elements. So, an accent wall may not even be effective since there’s already so much going on.

2) The Room’s Pallete Already Has A Bold Colour

Even in a more minimal room, an accent wall can be a waste of time. If the room already has a bold colour, whether decor or wall colour, adding another bold and different colour will overstimulate the brain.

3) Really Small Spaces

While having an accent wall can make a room look more spacious, some small spaces would only look odd with one different-coloured wall. For example, you might want to think twice about trying an accent wall in your guest bathroom. It just doesn’t make sense when the space is so small.

Want Your Accent Wall Done Right? Call McHugh Painting!

When they’re done right, accent walls are a small way to make a big change in the room. They have so many benefits, but they’re not meant to be everywhere. And, in the wrong spot or with the wrong colour, it’s a nightmare.

If you’re going to design an accent wall, get help from the pros! You can’t go wrong with experts by your side. Contact McHugh Painting today to get started!


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