Hire A Pro Residential Painter Or Do It Yourself? (Why Pro Is The Way To Go)

You’ve been debating it for months. Should you hire a residential painter for your home or do it yourself?

While you could get away with doing it on your own, it might be better (and safer) to have it all done professionally. And it will likely be worth it once the paint dries and you see your walls adorned in a fresh colour.

So, should you really do it on your own? Keep reading to find out why hiring a pro painting company like McHugh is the way to go!

Pro Painters Are The Experts

The first reason you should hire a residential painter is clear. It’s because they’re the experts. Pro painters spend years dedicating their time to learning and practicing their skills to become seasoned professionals. And after that long, you can trust that they can paint better than you, who only paints once a year if that.

A Pro Painter Can Help You Pick A Colour Scheme

It’s much more effective and aesthetically pleasing to have the colours of each room come together to create a cohesive colour scheme for your home. With years of experience, a pro painter can help you choose the right one. Some companies, like McHugh, even have a design consultant ready to help you narrow down the countless options.

Residential Painters Have Better-Quality Paint & Tools

The pros don’t use cheap supplies. Pro painters know that the quality of their tools and materials is just as important as their skill. They only use the best paint brands and tools like brushes and rollers.

Painting Usually Involves More Than Just Painting

In most cases, a painting project isn’t as simple as throwing on a fresh coat of paint and calling it a day. There are other steps to consider, like washing the walls, making necessary repairs, and ensuring that the surface is silky smooth. You don’t have to worry about any of that when you hire a residential painter.

Pro Painters Are Trained & Insured For Dangerous Situations

Whether inside or out, heights are dangerous, and no home makeover is worth anyone hurting themselves. Don’t put yourself in a risky situation by attempting to paint on a ladder when you can hire a residential painter who’s trained and insured to work up there.

Pros Get Picture Perfect Painting Results

Unlike DIYers, pro painters make their living from painting homes like yours. Every last detail matters because they pride themselves on the results and experience they provide their customers. And when they’ve been in the business for long enough, achieving this becomes second nature.

Go Pro With McHugh Painting!

Now that you know why you should hire a painter, your next step is to hire a residential painter you can count on to prove those benefits to you, making you wonder why you’ve never done this before.

See some of our latest projects to get some inspiration, or contact us today to book your free estimate.


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