6 Essential Traits Of A Top-Level Residential Painter 

Everyone knows that your home is your castle. It’s your sanctuary, your little piece of the world. So, when you want to beautify it, or completely make it over, who you hire matters.

You want someone that can bring your ideas to life, even if it’s something as simple as a colour change. But how do you know you’re looking at a top-level residential painter? Besides reviews and pictures, what do you look for?

Aside from a portfolio, being licensed and insured, and all the things a professional painter needs, top-level residential painters possess 6 signature traits that make them stand out from the rest. Keep reading to learn those traits and how to spot them, so you can ensure you’re working with the best!

1) Experienced In Similar Projects 

The first (and definitely most important) trait a top-level residential painter has is, of course, experience in painting. But not just any kind of painting. You want someone with residential painting experience, specifically in similar projects. While you’re looking at prospects, make sure to see their portfolios and find projects like yours.

2) Knowledgeable In More Than Just Home Painting

A residential painter can’t be “top-level” without learning about more than just the painting aspect. A true top-level painter is also knowledgeable in home decor trends, colour theory, and many other things that make their services more valuable. Pay attention to how each prospective painter answers your questions.

3) Organized & Efficient 

All home painters have a process. And to get to that top level, that system has to be seamless. A good painter will have a seamless process from the time you get your quote to the final reveal. They will be organized, which includes being timely and keeping a tidy workspace (or as tidy as you can get when there’s paint involved). 

4) Always Helpful

A top-level residential painter will never dismiss or ignore questions and concerns. They should always be able to help you, whether it’s answering your questions or offering advice when needed. Keep this in mind when you’re talking to a painter you’re thinking of hiring.

5) Customer Service-Oriented

Along with being masters of their craft, top-level painters are also masters of customer service. From start to finish, the whole painting process is about you and your home. After all, happy customers are the key to success.

6) Extreme Attention To Detail

Top-level painters have extreme attention to detail and dexterity to achieve it, which comes after years of painting experience. These strengths help them achieve crisp lines and avoid mishaps.

Find These Traits In McHugh’s Top-Level Home Painters!

Portfolios, reviews, and other social proof are the number-one things to look for in a top-level painter. But beyond that, a top-level residential painter takes their craft seriously and does it with as much passion as a mural artist.

Get true top-level painters with all these traits and more when you hire McHugh Painting. Contact us today, and let us make magic happen in your home!


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