4 Surprising Benefits Of Regular Repainting

Is the paint on your house starting to crack? Has that vibrant blue started to fade into some sort of grey? Quick! You need to start repainting your house! And then, to prevent it from happening again, you need to keep a regular repainting schedule.

Typically, paint lasts anywhere from 5 to 10 years, depending on a few factors. But you don’t need a calendar to know when it’s time to repaint your house. You’ll know it’s time when the paint starts to fade, bubble, chip, or peel.

That said, it’s better to do it sooner rather than later. Even when it’s as simple as applying a fresh coat of the same colour, regular repainting offers all of the benefits of painting and then some. Keep reading to learn more about some of those benefits.

1) Keeps Your House Looking Its Best

Old paint fades due to age and sun exposure, causing whatever lies underneath to come through, ruining the colour in most cases. Moisture causes paint to bubble and peel. But even worse, moisture is a breeding ground for mould and mildew. All of this can even make a modern home look old and dingy.

Don’t wait until damage or dinginess is evident to repaint your house. You can prevent all of that from happening in the first place with regular repainting.

2) Protects Home Against The Elements

Paint isn’t all for looks, you know. It also protects surfaces from decay caused by everything nature throws at your home. Think of exterior paint as a protective barrier that shields the surface it covers.

It may not be the toughest line of defence, but it is the first thing that protects your home from mould, mildew, the weather, and even bugs. And regular repainting helps to strengthen that protective layer.

3) Helps You Sell Your Home

It’s as simple as this: homes that look better are worth more. A home’s aesthetic is one of the foundational parts of curb appeal. A dingy home with chipped paint will never get the offers a freshly painted home would, even if the interior is the exact same.

Also, note that you can help encourage buyers by choosing the right colours to compliment your home's features and create a cohesive whole-home colour scheme.

4) More Attentive Home Maintenance

Regular repainting offers more opportunities to look at your whole home with extra detail, seeing any repairs that you need to make. It may seem annoying because it’s one more thing to do, but it’s better to be safe than sorry, especially where home repairs are concerned.

It’s always best to make any kind of repairs beforehand. Otherwise, all of that time or money you’ve spent on repainting your house will be for nothing.

Call McHugh Painting To Repaint Your House Before The Paint Chips Start Falling!

Don’t wait until your house is in desperate need of repainting. Be proactive, and get to it before there’s any evidence of aging paint.

Remember that regular repainting is all a part of taking care of the place you come home to. And when you take care of your home, your home takes care of you. Let McHugh help you with that, especially with a big job like repainting your house.

Contact us today!


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