Home Painting Trends To Look Out For In 2023

Do you like keeping your home up to date with the latest thing? Look no further than these 2023 home painting trends.

If you’re looking for a change, get ready for a dose of inspiration. Let’s get into the home painting trends you should look out for this year. 

2023’s Paint Colours Of The Year

The colour of the year is a complete 180 on the colour wheel from the blues and greens we’ve seen in previous years. This year, it’s all about the deep, warm pinks. Let’s talk some more about the colour forecast for the year. 

Viva Magenta by Pantone

Viva Magenta by Pantone is not your typical pink. Unlike hot pink, it’s deep, intense, and very red. This colour is a vibrant choice, so it’s best as a bold accent colour to spice up a neutral-dominated or overly white room. 

Benjamin Moore’s Raspberry Blush

Benjamin Moore is next up with their colour of the year: Raspberry Blush. It’s a very intense blend of orange and red, leaning heavily into the red portion. This colour is typically a go-to for those who don’t want to go full-on red but want something that’s just as dramatic. 

Red End Point By Sherwin-Williams

Red End Point by Sherwin-Williams is a blushed-out beige we’re living for! The subtle pink warms up an otherwise bland beige shade to create a perfect earthy tone that can work as the main colour or accent colour of a palette. It’s truly versatile. 

What 2022 Home Painting Trends Are Sticking Around In 2023?

Some things don’t change – like the love for off-white and neutrals. Here are some other 2022 home painting trends that aren’t going anywhere too soon.  

Deep/Burnt Oranges

This nature-inspired colour is bright and bold, heating up any room it goes into, offsetting dark furniture, and even complementing lighter neutrals. However, orange is a colour people either love or hate, which is why it’s best not to use it too much. 

Warm Neutrals

Neutrals are always a good choice, especially if you like to change things up since they go well with almost everything. And with this year hosting more warm-toned trends than cool, there’s no question that warm neutrals will stick around too. 


Green isn’t going anywhere, folks. This colour represents some old trends that are sticking around, like nature-inspired palettes and warm neutrals. But it’s also helping to usher in some new trends like jewel tones. 

Nature-Inspired Colour Palettes

Nature is making its way indoors, whether it’s through the trendy obsession with houseplants or through nature-inspired colours like chocolate brown, forest green, and even a nice sunny yellow. And it doesn’t just look good. It makes you feel good too!

What’s New For 2023?

Along with the reds and pinks we’ll see more of, here are some other home trends coming your way in 2023. 

Palette Versatility

Palette versatility is going to be big this year, and probably, for years to come because - well, let’s face it, people like to redecorate (a lot). It’s fun to change things up and keeps you feeling like your home is your castle.

That’s why neutrals are so popular. They can be used with other neutrals or paired with bolder colours. So, be prepared to see lots of beiges and whites because almost every colour can work with them. 

Muted Shades Of Bold Colours

Muted shades of bold colours are a great way to introduce vibrancy into your home without going too far. This trend is already flooding homes, with sage green and blush pink being the best examples.

Incorporate New Trends Into Your Home With The Help Of McHugh Painting

Are you feeling inspired to take on these new home painting trends? Do it right with McHugh Painting! Our design consultant can help you create the trendiest colour palette on your block!

Get started with a free estimate today!


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